The silver of house just right for size of your necessity
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The silver of house just right for size of your necessity
The Macodesc always seeks to reconcile their goals with the goals of its clients. In Macodesc plus security to invest in quality properties, you can also count on easy payment terms and customized to their profile. Come on talk to us! You will find that when purchasing your property in Macodesc, you just have to win!
Click on the logo of the financial institution to access the real estate financing simulators. * * The available information , approval , collateral and interest rates are the sole responsibility of their financial institutions.
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The program consists of audits and promotion of good practices aimed at ensuring safety on construction sites. It is the third seal won by Macodesc
READ MORELearn the history behind the works.
When Macodesc founded in 1987, Paul and his wife Stela engineer initially sought to meet an existing regional space in the construction industry and trade of construction materials.
Just over two decades have passed, however, were enough to consolidate MACODESC as one of the most established and respected company within its field of expertise.
The construction company has always sought its expansion to other markets - has already performed works in Rio Grande do Sul and in several cities of the State of Santa Catarina - designed and built several residential construction, commercial, industrial, schools, hospitals, maximum security prisons, police stations police, among others.
In the line construction materials pioneered by providing in the local market the pigmented ink tintométrica automated machine. Also innovated in the crockery items, metal, floors and coatings.
In the works of development and within its main work philosophy - innovation - the company has always sought a competitive edge through a modern and bold architecture, bringing new constructive ideas for the regional market. He appreciated the leisure and entertainment environments - beyond the trivial ballroom, included pool, gym and movie theater, prioritizing comfort, well being and quality of life of its customers.
MACODESC, completing 35 years, proves a success story and founded solid mutual trust of its customers and the competence and dedication of its management and employees.
Inspire good times and providing better quality of life. Offering reliable products and services with real and lasting quality.
Being the largest builder of human relations and social development of Brazil, delivering quality projects, with special attention to the dynamic evolution of societies.
Satisfy our customers with quality products and services, and qualify our employees through continuous improvement of processes.
Construtora e Incorporadora offer convenience, comfort, quality and modernity in their buildings and construction, in addition to this, part of regional development in the construction of public and private works.
The company is always striving for excellence to meet and exceed the expectations of its customers. More than that, features quality, generates opportunities to market and build with economic, social and environmental responsibility.
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The result of our projects is the work of this team.
Complete the form below or contact directly with our head office.
Av. Getúlio Vargas, 926 - Centro, São Miguel do Oeste/SC, Brasil
(49) 3621-0314